Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Doula?
A doula is someone who is professionally trained in childbirth and provides women with emotional, physical, and educational support to ensure a safe and empowering birth experience. The word 'doula' comes from Greek, translating to woman servant. These were women who attended to women giving birth. Today I like to describe us as Birth sisters.
Will my Doula deliver my baby for me?
Although doulas do not provide medical care, they are knowledgeable about many medical concepts surrounding labor and delivery. The doula strengthens the bond between the mother and child, reduces health care costs, and improves health outcomes for mothers.
Do I have to deliver at home to have a doula?
No I will support you to achieve YOUR labor and delivery goals. No matter what. You can give birth at home or in a hospital or birthing center. Vaginal or C- Section. Have supportive partners or no partners. First time parents, or parents with experience. Natural or Medicated. Choose to breast or bottle feed.
What is tri fold Doula Support.
Tri Fold represents the 3 facets of Doula support.
Emotional support: Pregnancy, labor/delivery, and the postpartum transition tends to be stressful times for families. With a doula as a member of your support team, you have someone holding space for you to truthfully feel through all of the emotions.
Evidence based Information: The goal as a doula is to provide current, fact-based information to families so that they can make informed decisions for them & their baby. Providing resources curated for your specific needs is one of the ways a doula can alleviate stress. I teach my clients to advocate for themselves.
Comfort Measures: One of the goals, if not THE main goal, of a doula is to make labor & delivery as ‘comfortable’ as possible. Comfort measures include massage, acupressure, ambiance setting, partner coaching, and breathing techniques.
Doula Services
Placenta Encapsulations
What are some benefits of consuming placenta capsules/tincture?
- There is no guarantee of any particular benefit or outcome from consumption,
but utilizing your placenta postpartum may help with things like:
Milk production,
Mood stabilization
Pain relief
Energy boost
Iron restoration
Growth of hair and nails
-Tinctures can also be beneficial for
Your teething baby of 6 months or older
Your mother who is starting menopause
If your baby is a girl….she may utilize the tincture when she begins her first menstrual cycle.
How many capsules will my placenta make? How many do I consume per day?
-On average you can expect between 100-200 capsules
*Consumption recommendations, are just that a RECOMMENDATION, not a prescription.*
-A general suggestion on how to consume you capsules will be in your order. You may adjust your intake as you feel the need to.
-It is recommended that you take the capsules with food to avoid an upset stomach.
-Do not use your tincture before 6 weeks. After 6 weeks you may strain it with a cheesecloth or similar. At 6 months you can use the tincture with out straining.
What is Raw preparation vs TCM prep?-Traditional Chinese Method (TCM) calls for steaming of the placenta prior to dehydration. -Raw preparation skips the steaming and goes straight to the dehydrator.
What are some risks of consuming placenta capsules/tincture?
- There are very little risks involved in consuming your placenta. The biggest
risks would come from consuming a placenta that has not been stored or
prepared properly. Be sure to follow instructions on how to store your
placenta until your specialist picks it up.
When is it not safe to encapsulate my placenta?
-When you have HIV, Hepatitis A/B/C.
-When it has been expose to potential contamination (pathology lab, ect)
What if I test positive for GBS or Genital Herpes?
- Please notify your specialist so that we can steam your placenta to kill any possible
bacteria. Otherwise, it is considered safe to consume.
How do I store my capsules/tincture and what is the shelf life?
-You may store your capsules as follows: In the container provided, in a dark cool
cabinet for up to one year. After one year you should transfer your capsules to a zip lock
bag and place them in the freezer for up to 6 more months. If after this time if you still
have capsules left, you may create a tincture by emptying 2 capsules into 2oz of 100
proof alcohol. You may store your tincture in a cool dark cabinet indefinitely.
What if my baby passed meconium in the womb?
That’s perfectly fine. Meconium is sterile. It is simply washed off prior to preparation.